
“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7

Gratitude and giving function hand in hand within the life of a Christian. To be generous is to acknowledge one’s blessed state through the graciousness of God. It is not a matter of giving because we must, but because we wish to share in the work of God’s Kingdom here upon earth. We do so through the sharing of our tithes and offerings, monetary expressions of gratitude which God uses to advance his Kingdom work. It takes all Christians working together in order to support the work of God’s Kingdom. Each gift, large, small, or somewhere in between, is useful in supporting our budgeted needs including denominational ministries, church expenses/payments, and staff payroll. Please know we are grateful for your gift and will use it faithfully in the ministry of Little Rock OFWB Church for the glory of God.

Serving God Together,

The Rev. Kelley Smart