If you’re new to our church, here are a few things that may be helpful to know.
What is Little Rock’s style of worship service?
Little Rock is traditional, relaxed and friendly church. We treat each other and our guests as family. Our services feature scriptural and liturgical readings, a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary songs, topical and relevant sermons, and of course…much prayer. We’re not flashy; there is no praise band, no smoke machine, just solid teaching and good music.
Where should I park?
There is ample paved parking available in both the front and rear of our campus, as well as an unpaved overflow lot. The rear lots are accessible by a driveway around the Christian Education Center (CEC) and a covered portico allows passengers to disembark comfortably in inclement weather. On occasions, when we expect unusually heavy traffic, ushers will assist you in parking.
Where should I go once parked?
If you are joining us for Sunday School, enter the Christian Education Center (CEC). You may enter through any door, but the front door would be best for people unfamiliar with the building. Classes begin at 8:45am. We gather for fellowship in the hallways prior to class and will be happy to help you find an appropriate classroom. Our Pastor, Youth Minister, or Ushers will also be available to welcome you.
The Sunday worship service starts at 10:00am. You may enter through the front doors of the sanctuary or from the walkway in the rear. Ushers will assist and guide you.
Is there a nursery for my children? If so, what are the ages?
During Sunday School and Morning Worship, a nursery serves children from birth to three years in our Christian Education Center. It is easily accessed from the rear parking lot where a sign directs you to the entrance and the nursery is the first door on the right.
Is there a Children’s Church? Junior Church?
Children’s Church is also held in the CEC and serves children ages 3 to 5. If your child attends Sunday School, he or she will remain in their classroom with the same teacher through the worship service. If you arrive for worship, the Children’s Church Room is beside the Nursery.
Junior Church is children from K through 5th grades. The children remain in the sanctuary with their parents until just prior to the sermon when they will join our Children and Youth Minister to go to the CEC. After the service, an usher will escort parents to the location, if needed.
We feel a multi-generational congregation represents the full Body of Christ and that older children and youth learn how to worship from the adults, therefore, we do not have a separate service for youth in 6th-12th grades. We do encourage those in this age group to serve as helpers in Children’s Church, Junior Church or with the Tech Team. Our Children and Youth Minister can provide more details.
What happens if I’m late?
If you’re running late for Sunday School, simply enter your classroom and take a seat. When entering the sanctuary during worship services, an Usher will be available to assist you with getting seated.
What should I wear?
Feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable in a worshipful setting. Dresses, coats and ties are not required.
Is the Sanctuary wheelchair accessible?
Yes. There is a ramped walkway leading from the back parking lot to the conference room. From there you can go through the conference room, turn left to go down the hallway, past the restrooms, then into the sanctuary. The front pews on either side of the sanctuary are shorter to allow a wheel chair to be placed next to the pew and not be in the aisle, but you are welcome to sit wherever you feel comfortable.
We’re constantly working on this list. If you have a question that you don’t see answered above, let us know! Send an email to info@littlerockchurch.net.